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An Idea is Born..

Hello! My name is Irma, I've been working in a salon as a hairdresser for many years, and I love to laugh.


The creation of "I-Chihuahua" was inspired by my salon dog Gabriela, a sweet Chihuahua who accompanied me at work. Our clients would ask for her, and I'd joke about training her to cut hair!


Through prayer and meditation, I've discovered I'm a hairstylist who loves to draw comics, and write humorous stories through the buggy eyes of a Chihuahua hairdresser.








Irma's Story

Growing up as a Latina I'd laugh when my aunt, Tia Noelia said that, and she still says it, though not sure exactly what it means, possibly a well-known cuss word in Spanish that my mom won't let me repeat!

One thing I know for sure is that life behind the salon chair is colorful, with plenty of experiences to share, so here it is, and many of these tales are actual conversations in our salon!

Hope you have many

"I-CHIHUAHUA" moments in your life, with prayers of God's blessings to you and your family.



Irma Guerra

Enjoy this video of me            creating a new 


CAT SIT 1.tiff


Gabby workin' like a dog at

"Hairy Tales Salon"

"Making the world more beautiful, one head at a time"-Gabby

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